Pricing is based on number of adults. Children 3 to 9 years of age are half price. Children 2 and under are free!
Prices are pro-rated in between group sizes.
Pricing is subject to change at any time. Food, fuel, and labor increases are very unstable at this time.
Everything needed for a full buffet is included….except buffet tables and a trash container for our use.
Linen Buffet table covers, disposable plates, forks, utensils are included.
We do not allow customers to provide china or silver – if you would like to provide your own, only packaged, disposable products are allowed.
Minnesota Department of Health regulations dictate that we cannot haul trash in our catering vehicles. All trash from the event is the responsibility of the customer or venue.
Delivery charge is $1.50 per mile, round trip. Extra delivery charges for loading docks, elevators, remote parking, or other difficult deliveries/setups.